Short bio

Carmine Gorga, 9/16/2013

1959- PhD in Political Science, University of Naples, Italy. The University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Giambattista Vico, and Benedetto Croce.
1960- Awarded Council of Europe Scholarship for dissertation on the legal, economic, and political thought of Louis D. Brandeis.
1961- Diploma in International Relations, Johns HopkinsSAIS, Bologna, Italy.
1961- Studied economics under Professor Robert Mundell, among other economists.
1961- Awarded Fulbright Scholarship.
1962- MA in International Relations, Johns HopkinsSAIS, Washington, DC.
1964- “Not Simply a National Fund, but a Stabilization and Development Fund,” Mondo Economico, 19 (14) 14-16.
1965- Changed one equation in Keynes’ model of the economic system and started a new paradigm, Concordian economics. Concordian economics is in answer to the current crisis in economic theory.
1974- “The Revision of Keynes’ Model,” The central point of this paper, rejected by AER, is that for economics to respect fundamental principles of logic, hoarding must be reintroduced in the economic discourse and all necessary changes must be introduced in Keynes’ model of the economic system. The paper is posted at
1976- Started conversation with Professor Franco Modigliani, papers discussed with him are included in 2 (I am told actually 5) folders at
1982- "The Revised Keynes' Model" (an Abstract), Atlantic Economic Journal, 10 (3) 52.
1987- "The Productivity Standard: A True Golden Standard” (with Norman G. Kurland), in Dawn M. Kurland (ed.), Every Worker an Owner: A Revolutionary Free Enterprise Challenge to Marxism. Center for Economic and Social Justice, pp. 83-86.
1988- Quality Assurance of Seafood (with Louis J. Ronsivalli), Van Nostrand Reinhold, a book and numerous papers, whose economic analysis served to introduce fresh seafood in national supermarkets, grown into a multi-billion dollar operation.
1991- In “The Dynamics of the Economic System,” a referee report (#91297) for the Journal of Economic Theory finds “a new analytic engine.”
1994- "Four Economic Rights: Social Renewal Through Economic Justice for All,” Social Justice Review, 85 (1-2) 3-6.
1998- “The Creators of Poverty,” Gloucester Daily Times, Symposium, December 18, p. A10. Finds that the creators of poverty are, not the rich, but the wicked.
1999- "Toward the Definition of Economic Rights,” The Journal of Markets and Morality, II (1) 88-101. Distinguishes entitlements from property rights and economic rights.
2002- The Economic Process: An Instantaneous Non-Newtonian Picture, University Press of America. Though the logic of mathematics and geometry, reintroduces hoarding in the economic discourse and analyzes the effects of hoarding on economic growth, inflation, and poverty.
2002- The first Gloucester poet laureate, Vincent Ferrini, reviewed The Economic Process for the local paper and pointed out that the book “…has the answers to universal poverty and the anxieties of the affluent.”
2003- In the December issue of JEL, on the basis of two statements, Professor Paul Davidson, quoting Keynes, concluded that The Economic Process “…as it stands seems to be one of the most frightful muddles I have ever read, with scarcely a sound proposition in it... It is an extraordinary example of how, starting with a mistake [here substitute unusual definitions for mistake], a remorseless logician can end up in Bedlam.”
2004- The editors of JEL are made aware that of the two statements on which Professor Davidson based his judgment, one (I=S) does not exist in The General Theory; and the other (I=H) does not exist in The Economic Process. These statements irrefutably prove that, whatever Professor Davidson understands of the General Theory, he certainly did not even scan The Economic Process; otherwise, at page 270 his attention would have been arrested by the following Lorenz diagram: 
               The editors of JEL recommended I write to Professor Davidson alerting him to these shortcomings in his analysis. I did that. Professor Davidson has not responded yet. For full documentation, see
2006- Casting a look backward in history, while using the framework of Concordian economics, one meets two thorough systems of economic thought, the economics of Moses and the economics of Jesus. See, “The Economics of Jubilation: Blinking Adam’s Fallacy Away.” In Albert Tavidze, ed. Progress in Economics Research, Vol. 19. Nova Science Publishers, 2010. Ch. 1.
2007- In his review for Amazon, Dr. Michael Emmett Brady confirms: “This book will be extremely difficult to follow for a ’modern’ mainstream economist brought up on general equilibrium theory…. The writing style of the book is similar to the writing styles of Veblen, Schumpeter, Keynes, and von Hayek… Why is such an economy subject to a destabilizing boom-bust business cycle over time? G is one of the very few economists to identify the fundamental problem as hoarding behavior… Keynes' model specification, however, does not allow him to specifically answer the question of why the economy is unstable. Keynes’s answer is that the economy is unstable and suboptimal because of the propensity to hoard. Keynes calls this also by the name liquidity preference.… Gorga's reinterpretation of the Y model allows him to reach Keynes's conclusion as well as integrating it into a complex systems analysis (non Newtonian) as the economy evolves as a dynamic process over time.”
2007- “Economic Justice” in Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, Scarecrow Press, pp. 335-337.
2008- To My Polis, With Love: May Gloucester Show the World the Ways of Frugality, The Somist Institute. In his review for Amazon, Dr. Michael Emmett Brady explains, “Gorga emphasizes the fact that money can be created either as a debt or an asset. It is immensely important because the current mode of finance allows the commercial banks to create money as a debt. There is a double or triple whammy here for the rest of society… Gorga is the preeminent authority on hoarding and its negative impacts.”
2008- “Economics for Physicists and Ecologists,” Transactions on Advanced Research,  4 (1) 6-9.   
2009- “Concordian Economics—Tools to Return Relevance to Economics,” Forum for Social Economics, 38:53-69.
               NOTE- It is my considerate opinion that both political science and economic theory will remain on a wobbly foundation if they do not incorporate the fundamental intellectual work done by Louis D Brandeis. As explained in this paper, one of the functions of Concordian economics is to do just that—and then to call upon the work of three more giants in American thought: Benjamin Franklin, Henry George, and Louis O. Kelso.
2010- The Economic Process: An Instantaneous Non-Newtonian Picture, University Press of America: A soft cover, expanded edition.
2012- "Beyond Keynes….. Toward Concordian Econometrics", International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Part III of the Special Issue on J.M. Keynes, 20(1) 248-277. 
2012- “Reconciling Keynes and Hayek through Concordian Economics: A Revolution from the Center”, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Part V of the Special Issue on J.M. Keynes, 20(3) 358-387.
2012- Ethics in Concordian Economics,
2012- A Declaration of Economic Interdependence and a Bill of Economic Rights and Responsibilities,
2013- “Occupy economics,” August 30.
2013- “A Three-Part Proposal for Investing Hoarded Cash,” The Catholic Social Science Review 18 261–263. In press.

Been instrumental in establishing Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association, preserving public transit, and establishing seArts in Gloucester.

Ongoing: Running a rearguard battle to defend the family fishing fleet against the assault of federal bureaucrats, environmentalists, and economists in the pages of the Gloucester Daily Times, the Beacon, and Newsvine, a publication of that hosts upwards of 40 million unique visitors a month on its platform.

A fuller bio, some evaluations of my work, a list of publications, and work in progress can be found at

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